Another speedy way to scare off visitors to your website and hence potential customers is to have Auto Play Video’s. Seriously they will leave your site, and will never again return. They will go and purchase the products or services of your competitor, or go to another pub or restaurant whose website didn’t make them watch anything they didn’t choose to watch.
Videos aren’t necessarily a bad thing to put on your website, but let visitors choose to play it themselves – don’t force them to watch with auto-play.
You don’t know how loud the video will be for the visitor, as you don’t know what volume level their computer has been set at, whether they want or need to see a video, if they know where the mute or stop button is, or if they even have their speakers on. This might also slow down loading time, and has the potential to make their browser freeze or crash.
Again, let the visitor control their own experience of your site.