That’s French for three people having fun. You might be thinking “OMG! The Trilogy blog has gone X rated” or I have moved to the dark side of the force and am writing saucy 450-word romantic blogs. Well, sorry to disappoint you kids. This blog is about “3somes” but the tame version. I just wanted to get your attention with the title. LOL.
But let’s give the blog title some legitimacy huh. Let’s think of some famous, “3somes”.
I must admit though that as a pimple-faced teenager, my mind did go wandering with the Trio of Charlie’s Angels. Farrah Fawcett with the freshly blow waved hair running along the beach was pretty exciting. And, let’s not forget the sensational Beyoncé heading up, “Destiny’s Child” – ahhh memories.
When you see flared tight pants, big hair, open shirts with a rug of hair, what music comes to your mind? Do you start to hum, “You should be Dancing…Yeh”? Do you then imagine three brothers singing in high pitched voices (Helped by the tight pants)? Yep, the Bee Gees, were an awesome Trio and they got us dancing in the 70’s.
If you think of 3 crazy funny guys, you might think of the 3 Amigos Movie. But if you go back in the day, the original crazy guys were Mo, Larry and Curly. These guys pocked each other’s eyes, hit each other over the head with barbells, got up to all sorts of NO Good as the Three Stooges.
The Three Tenors, Ghostbusters, Alvin and The Chipmunks, The Three Musketeers, Three Blind Mice – wow so many 3somes have been famous over the years. And now? What is the 3some that’s on your mind, the “Ménage a Trois” of your business’ life? Drum Roll Please…
MULTI SCREEN WEB DESIGN. Meaning a purpose built version for Desktop, Tablet and Mobile.
Yep, gone are the days of being loyal to the one and only. That one and only being desktop. Now, it’s a case of getting adventuress with a 50 Shades of Grey attitude and inviting Tablet and Mobile to the party. What happened to the loyalty? Why can’t we have the monogamous relationship we were so
comfortable with? Why do we have to get down and dirty with 3 devices? Well folks, it’s the Sodom and Gomorrah attitude of Wi-Fi and 3g, 4g oh gee has created.
Yes, anywhere access has turned us all into shameless hussies, and no choice you best get with the program. Having the attitude that when all is right with a 26-inch screen is not going to cut it anymore with your customers. Shrinking that big view down to a smaller, then smaller view is no longer acceptable if you don’t supply a multi-screen solution to your customers viewing needs. They will leave you sooner than a bad smell in a bar!
Multi-screen Design, dynamic content, different design styles for all devices, views and actions that want to make the users say, “Yummy! That’s what it’s all about now”. Get to the point buttons and bars. People don’t have the patience to scroll and scroll to find that important information anymore, they want it NOW!
So with Bee Gees screaming “Staying Alive” in the background, I leave you with words from a song of another famous 3some, Peter, Paul and Mary. This song pretty well sums up what’s going on in the web world now and why multi-screen is so important.
“The times they are a changin’
Have a great day and remember there’s NO second chance at a first impression.