Have you ever received those random emails guaranteeing you a page 1 ranking for your website key words and phrases or worse still actually signed up to an SEO company that will state they will get you onto page 1? if you have, then you probably need to know that truth about what it actually means because i am sure it surprises you.
The reality is that being on page 1 means virtually nothing if you are down the bottom of that page, because the lower rankings get very very little click through. Position 9 on page 1 gets only approx. 3% click through and position 10 gets a paltry 2% click through. In some surveys position 1 of page 2 ranks higher than 10 on page 1.
Whilst the various research results vary, they all have a consistent theme and that is they all drop quickly from position 1. Here is the typical percentage click through rates of page 1 positions.
Position 1 – 33%
Position 2 – 18%
Position 3 – 12%
Position 4 – 8%
Position 5 – 6%
Position 6 – 5%
Position 7 – 4%
Position 8 – 3%
Position 9 – 3%
Position 10 – 2%
As you can see a massive 63% come from the first three and 77% from the top five. What this means is if you do appoint an SEO company you need to make sure that not only do the performance benchmarks need to include page 1 rankings but also:
- The Number/% of position 1 rankings
- The Number/% of TOP 3 rankings
- The Number/% of TOP 5 rankings
Hope this helps !!!