Whilst there maybe some exceptions to this rule and in some vary rare cases where garish, lurid or even obnoxious colours can be effective, exercise caution here – as it can also go horribly wrong and just like the bedroom image above you don’t want people to go “wow that’s interesting, but I think I must just head back to the Kitchen”
Regardless of the overall look you are hoping to create – and in particular your own personal taste – a well-constructed site should draw the eye and be generally clean, uncluttered and readable. It should not trigger migraines for your potential customers. The ways in which colours are used are vital to a user-friendly approach.
Chances are, while you may be particularly enamoured with the idea of a vivid purple, yellow and green colour scheme, it’s going to look disordered and confused, and will likely repel rather than attract prospective customers.
Keep your text black or dark grey, and keep the number of colours you use to a minimum – go for no more than two or three. Simplicity is always best policy.