Oh, you thought you’d use Times New Roman on your website? Well, now your site looks like it was written by a year 10 school student who waited until half an hour before an assignment was due to start it. Not so professional or reassuring, right?
The thing is, fonts are about usability, and should inform your website’s ability to provide a smooth, pleasant user experience. Fonts should be easier to read, visually appealing, and not headache-inducing. Some things to bear in mind:
- Don’t use too many. The more fonts you have on a page, the more cluttered it looks. My advice is to pick no more than two.
- Be wary of fancy fonts. What may look beautiful to you and may work on artwork, might be difficult for your prospective customer to read. Ensure that the fonts you’re using are clear and accessible.
- Also ensure that they’re big enough to be read with ease. You need to cater for everyone!!
- Avoid using low contrast fonts. This refers to a lighter font on a light background or a darker font on a dark background. Again, this is about usability.